Press releases

Press Freedom in Bulgaria: ENPA reiterates concerns following ECMPF expert talks

ENPA attended the “Expert talk on Media freedom in Bulgaria” organised on 25 January by the European Centre for Press & Media Freedom (ECPMF) in Brussels. The event was an important occasion to raise public awareness and to receive alarming testimonies from journalists and publishers from Bulgaria, such as the investigative ICIJ journalist Dimitar Stoyanov, the Forbes journalist Vesselin Dimitrov, Theodor Zahov, the Chairman  of the Union of Publishers in Bulgaria (UPB), member of ENPA.

These experts testified of a constant climate of private and institutional pressures consisting of intimidation towards independent journalists and publishers. At this occasion, ENPA would like to reiterate its strong support and solidarity with its Bulgarian Member and stress the urgent need to ensure and respect press freedom, media pluralism and editorial independence in Bulgaria.