
Press releases

World Press Freedom Day 2016

ENPA and WAN-IFRA together are making a special appeal on World Press Freedom Day to European politicians and officials to focus more attention to the plight of exiled journalists.

Press releases

Adoption of the Trade Secrets Directive by the European Parliament: Investigative journalism must be guaranteed

Today, the European Parliament adopted the Directive on the protection of Trade Secrets. European journalists and media associations are concerned that this Directive could put journalists at risk therefore limiting their ability to investigate and report about businesses. This comes at a time when the “Panama Papers” revelations have reaffirmed the essential role that journalists, whistleblowers, and media play in informing citizens about issues of public interest.<br /> <br /> The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Reporters Without Borders (RWB), the European Magazine Media Association (EMMA), the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU - UER) take note of the adoption of the Trade Secrets Directive by the European Parliament today in the plenary.

Press releases

Italian publisher Carlo Perrone elected as new ENPA President

ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association, has elected as new President Carlo Perrone at its General Assembly which took place today in Brussels. ENPA President Carlo Perrone is the Vice President of Italiana Editrice S.p.A. (ITEDI) (La Stampa &amp; Il Secolo XIX) and has been Vice President of ENPA since 2010.

Press releases

European Newspaper and Magazine Publishers welcome European Commission’s launch of consultation on Publishers’ Rights

Europe’s leading Newspaper and Magazine Publishers’ Associations EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME welcome the European Commission’s launch today, 23 March, of a public consultation “on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain”. This consultation is an important step at a time when the role and the value of the press needs more than ever to be recognized in a global digital and media environment.

Press releases

Provisional agreement reached on the Trade Secrets Directive: journalists and media associations acknowledge improvements to the original draft

An agreement was reached on Tuesday 15 December between the European Parliament and the Council on the controversial draft Trade Secrets Directive. After intense debates, the final text improve the legal certainty as regards the exception for exercising the right to freedom of expression and information but journalists and media associations will remain vigilant.