
Press releases

The European Newspaper Publishers’ Association re-elects Italian publisher Carlo Perrone as President and Valdo Lehari jr. (Germany) and Bruno Pachent (France) as Vice-Presidents

ENPA, representing publishers of newspapers and news media in Europe, announced today the re-election of Carlo Perrone as President, along with Bruno Pachent and Valdo Lehari jr. as Vice-Presidents. They have been re-elected during ENPA’s General Assembly which took place in Brussels today.

Press releases

Press Publishers of all sizes united for a Publishers’ Right

In the coming weeks, the European Parliament will vote on the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. We would like to draw your attention to a topic that is crucial for all newspapers and magazines, small mid-size and big, but especially local and regional titles across the European Union: the proposed neighbouring right for press publishers, introduced in Article 11 of the Commission’s proposal, as there have been misleading claims that the right would be harmful for smaller publishers.

Press releases

EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME welcome the Agreement of the EU Council on the Publisher’s Right

The European Magazine Media Association (EMMA), the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA), the European Publishers’ Council (EPC) and News Media Europe (NME) welcome the fact that the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Council called for the introduction of an exclusive right for press publishers in EU copyright law today. 

Press releases

Press Freedom Conference Sofia 2018

EMMA and ENPA in association with EFJ, RSF, AEJ, ECPMF, SEEMO and the UPB, held a conference on “Media Freedom and Pluralism” on Wednesday, 16 May, in Sofia, in the wings of the EU-Western Balkans summit.