
European Press Publishers urge the Commission to stop Google´s abusive promotion of its own services and restore competition to the digital economy

Publishers and their trade associations call for rejection of a flawed deal and to enforce EU competition law properly to the benefit of consumers, publishers and businesses (European Commission’s Competition Investigation of GOOGLE – AT.39.740)  Brussels, 4 September 2014– Newspaper and magazine publishers across Europe have called on the European Commission to reject the third set of commitments by Google in the ongoing anti-trust investigation. 

European press publishers reject the suggestion of the Commission-appointedHigh Level Group on Taxation concerning VAT on print and digital press.

European newspaper and magazine publishers have written to European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, Taxation Commissioner Algirdas Šemeta and Vice President Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda) to express their deep disappointment following the publication last week of the Report of the Commission-appointed High Level Group on Taxation of the digital economy.

Press publishers in Europe fully support the call from the German and French Culture Ministers for immediate action to lower VAT on digital press

Following the announcement made by Mrs Monika Grütters, the German Culture Minister, and Mrs Aurélie Filippetti, the French Culture Minister, on 19th February 2014, press publishers in Europe join this call to the Member States and to the EU institutions to take immediate action allowing the reduction of VAT rates on digital press.

Journalists and publishers in Europe warn of the threat to press freedom following European Parliament vote on draft Data Protection Regulation - Rapporteur’s statement that “nothing will change for journalists” is strongly refuted

A coalition of European organisations representing the interests of both journalists and press publishers [1] today criticised the vote in the European Parliament on the draft EU General Data Protection Regulation, which jeopardises  press freedom and fails to properly protect journalistic sources. They vehemently refute claims from the author of the Parliament’s report, MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht, that “nothing will change for journalists” following the vote.

Leading Counsel´s opinion advises the media that EU `LIBOR` Regulation would unlawful without clear media exemption

A controversial draft EU Regulation designed to restore confidence in financial benchmarks following the LIBOR and EURIBOR scandals is set to undermine press freedom and  journalists’ right to protect their sources, if MEPs fail to adopt important amendments to the proposal on 17th February.

Google’s abusive self-preference must end to ensure a thriving free and independent press on digital platforms European press publishers react to news of latest commitment proposal by Google in EU anti-trust case.

Reacting to European Commission Vice-President Joaquín Almunia’s announcement today, European press publishers are greatly concerned that the Commission appears to be moving quickly towards a settlement in the Google anti-trust case, despite lack of evidence that the latest proposals from the company will end its abuse of dominant position in the digital market.

Google’s abusive dominant position must be countered by fair competition if Europe’s free press and creative content sector are to thrive: Europe’s publishers react against reported Commission settlement with Google

A coalition of European newspapers and magazines’ publishers is greatly concerned to learn from recent press coverage that, in the face of all the evidence of continued market abuse, European Competition Commissioner Almunia is set to settle the anti-trust case with Google without further consultation on or market testing of Google’s proposed commitments to stop its anti-competitive practices.

Press Publishers in Europe applaud the French Government´s decision to apply the same VAT rate for printed and digital press

ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association, and EMMA, the European Magazine Media Association, representing the press sector in Europe, express their strong support for the initiative of the French Government applying the same VAT rate (2.1%) for all press products and services on all platforms (print and digital) in respect of the principle of fiscal equality and technological neutrality.


In advance of the EU Justice Ministers Council meeting on 6 December, a coalition of European organisations representing the interests of both journalists and press publishers have issued a joint statement for the attention of ministers criticising data protection reform plans for failing to underpin press freedom and protect journalistic sources.

Press freedom and media pluralism under threat in European Parliament vote on Data Protection proposal

Last minute compromises leave journalistic data processing without adequate protection in Europe and restrictions on marketing will damage the press Brussels, 18th October 2013 – Publishers of newspapers and magazines in Europe today sounded the alarm ahead of a vote in the European Parliament on the new Data Protection Regulation that could seriously undermine freedom of press reporting and the marketing of press titles.

European Publishers urge European Commission to challenge Google further

In an unprecedented move of solidarity, hundreds of Europe’s leading publishers and their trade associations at European and National level have joined together in an informal coalition to call on European Commission Vice President Joaquín Almunia to reject outright the package of draft measures offered by Google on 25 April this year to end their abusive practices.

Newspaper publishers stress crucial importance of copyright to the future development of the press sector in Europe.

ENPA, the association representing publishers of newspapers and news media in Europe, underlined the vital importance of copyright to the press sector, during a meeting with EU Internal Market Commissioner, Michel Barnier, yesterday.

ENPA, the association representing publishers of newspapers and news media in Europe, expressed serious concerns about the recommendations of an independent group of experts appointed by European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes.

The High Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism, chaired by the former President of Latvia, Professor Vaira Vike-Freiberga, called for Brussels to have greater powers to oversee national press councils to ensure they “comply with European values.

Newspaper and magazine publishers have repeatedly expressed their concerns about Google's activities in the online search and advertising markets

Newspaper and magazine publishers have repeatedly expressed their concerns about Google's activities in the online search and advertising markets, including its preferential treatment of its own content over that of third parties. It is essential that the commitments, offered this week by Google to the European Commission, bring an end to the manipulation of search results which threaten to turn the open Internet into a closed Google Shop.

PRESS STATEMENT- on solutions proposed by EU Media Futures Forum

ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association, noted with interest the solutions proposed today by the EU Media Futures Forum, established by European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes and chaired by ChristianVan Thillo, CEO of de Persgroep (Belgium/Netherlands).