
Future of Press Freedom and Professional Journalism put in hands of MEPs : Full EP plenary expected to vote next week on crucial EU Copyright reform

Ardent anti-copyright radicals, US Internet giants and vested interests, that commercially benefit from freeriding on publishers’ valuable content, continue to wage a loud and misleading campaign against a proposed EU copyright reform that is working its way through the EU legislative process.

Europe's publishers applaud MEPs' support for a free press

Today, Europe’s news and magazine publishers EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME applaud the European Parliament for making a crucial stand for the future of a free, independent press, for the future of professional journalism, for the future of fact-checked content, for the future of a rich, diverse and open Internet and, ultimately, for the future of a healthy democracy.

The European Newspaper Publishers’ Association re-elects Italian publisher Carlo Perrone as President and Valdo Lehari jr. (Germany) and Bruno Pachent (France) as Vice-Presidents

ENPA, representing publishers of newspapers and news media in Europe, announced today the re-election of Carlo Perrone as President, along with Bruno Pachent and Valdo Lehari jr. as Vice-Presidents. They have been re-elected during ENPA’s General Assembly which took place in Brussels today.

Press Publishers of all sizes united for a Publishers’ Right

In the coming weeks, the European Parliament will vote on the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. We would like to draw your attention to a topic that is crucial for all newspapers and magazines, small mid-size and big, but especially local and regional titles across the European Union: the proposed neighbouring right for press publishers, introduced in Article 11 of the Commission’s proposal, as there have been misleading claims that the right would be harmful for smaller publishers.

EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME welcome the Agreement of the EU Council on the Publisher’s Right

The European Magazine Media Association (EMMA), the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA), the European Publishers’ Council (EPC) and News Media Europe (NME) welcome the fact that the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Council called for the introduction of an exclusive right for press publishers in EU copyright law today.

Press Freedom Conference Sofia 2018

ENPA and EMMA in association with EFJ, RSF, AEJ, ECPMF, SEEMO and the UPB, held a conference on “Media Freedom and Pluralism” on Wednesday, 16 May, in Sofia, in the wings of the EU-Western Balkans summit.

EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME welcome the support of European Parliament rapporteur Axel Voss for a Publishers' Right

EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME welcome the support of a Press Publishers’ right by MEP Axel Voss, rapporteur in the Legal Affairs Committee. Mr Voss has presented a proposal that would guarantee press publishers an exclusive right as part of the current EU copyright reform.

Join us at the Conference “Media Freedom and Pluralism: how to reboot an essential EU pillar”

On May 16, 2018 a Press Freedom Conference – organized by the Union of Publishers in Bulgaria (UPB) in association with EMMA/ENPA, European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), in partnership with Reporters Without Borders, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), Association of European Journalists (AEJ), South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) – will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria.

EMMA and ENPA statement on the inauguration speech of the President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman on March 8, 2018

The European press publishers associations EMMA (European Magazine Media Association) and ENPA (European Newspaper Publishers Association), as part of their activities focused on the support of the publishing sector, are also monitoring the situation in the field of press freedom and the media in the European Union’s Member States.

Joint ENPA-EMMA Statement on the murder of Jan Kuciak and the need to support press freedom in the EU

ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association and EMMA, the European magazine Media Association representing thousands of European Press publishers on European level are deeply shocked and saddened by the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his partner Martina Kusnirova and extends condolences to their family friends and colleagues.

Cross-industry open letter on e-Privacy: “Europe Cannot Afford to Miss the Data Revolution”

EMMA and ENPA has joined more than 50 stakeholders from 19 different European countries from across industry sectors in co-signing an open letter to call for a review of the draft E-privacy regulation to the benefit of consumers, the businesses that serve them and to ensure a vibrant Digital Single Market for Europe and its citizens.

Press Freedom in Bulgaria: ENPA reiterates concerns following ECMPF expert talks

ENPA attended the “Expert talk on Media freedom in Bulgaria” organised on 25 January by the European Centre for Press & Media Freedom (ECPMF) in Brussels. The event was an important occasion to raise public awareness and to receive alarming testimonies from journalists and publishers from Bulgaria, such as the investigative ICIJ journalist Dimitar Stoyanov, the Forbes journalist Vesselin Dimitrov, Theodor Zahov, the Chairman  of the Union of Publishers in Bulgaria (UPB), member of ENPA. These experts testified of a constant climate of private and institutional pressures consisting of intimidation towards independent journalists and publishers. At this occasion, ENPA would like to reiterate its strong support and solidarity with its Bulgarian Member and stress the urgent need to ensure and respect press freedom, media pluralism and editorial independence in Bulgaria.

ePrivacy Regulation: LIBE vote jeopardizes the digital future of the press in Europe

In view of the vote in plenary session, ENPA and EMMA urgently call on MEPs to reject the mandate for the trialogue negotiations and instead allow for a true and transparent democratic debate that could ensure a balanced approach for the protection of citizens and their democratic values, including freedom of the press and their right to access to information.

ePrivacy Regulation: MEPs shall guarantee data protection in a pluralistic media landscape and not empower dominant US giants

On behalf of the press publishing sector in Europe, we urge the members of the LIBE Committee not to take a dangerous route that will not only go against the future of a free and independent press in Europe but also against the rights of individual citizens.

ePrivacy: press publishers urge European Parliament to avoid citizens’ data control by dominant technological players

29 September 2017 – The European Parliament had a first vote on the draft E-privacy Regulation in the Internal Market Committee yesterday. After the fast adoption of the other opinions next week, the report of MEP Lauristin will already be submitted to the vote in the leading Committee for Civil Liberties on 12 October.

European media business welcomes clarification of rules applying to State Aid to public broadcasters

Today representatives of the European media business – including the Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT), the Association of European Radios (AER), the European Publishers’ Council (EPC), the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) and the German Association of Commercial Broadcasters and Audiovisual Services (VPRT) – welcomed the conclusion of the revision of the 2001 Broadcasting Communication. The Communication sets out the principles to be followed by the Commission in the application of Articles 87 and 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State funding of public sector broadcasting. In the EU 27, state aid to broadcasting is estimated as being worth at least Euro 22 bn per year. In the current economic environment, it is of ever greater importance that the European Union rules on state aid are rigorously applied so as to ensure that those private sector companies who do not seek public support are not unfairly disadvantaged.