
The Spanish Association of Daily Newspaper Publishers - the ENPA General Assembly adopts its Seville resolution

On the occasion of the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) AutumnGeneral Assembly meeting in Seville, Spain on 6 November 2009, hosted by ENPA’s Spanish member association “Asociación de Editores de Diario Españoles (AEDE)” –the Spanish Association of Daily Newspaper Publishers - the ENPA General Assembly adopts its Seville resolution.


On the occasion of the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association (ENPA) Autumn General Assembly meeting in Seville, Spain on 6 November 2009, hosted by ENPA’s Spanish member association "Asociación de Editores de Diario Españoles (AEDE)" – the Spanish Association of Daily Newspaper Publishers - the ENPA General Assembly adopts the following Resolution: Newspaper publishers in Europe call for better conditions for a free and independent press.

ENPA applauds parliament’s vote in the interest of press freedom in Europe

ENPA applauds parliament’s vote in the interest of press freedom in Europe ENPA highly values media pluralism in Europe and the Parliament yesterday took a very wise decision not to call for legislation on media pluralism and concentration in the EU which could in fact decrease, not increase the level of media pluralism.

ENPA reminds MEPs of national subsidiarity principle for media pluralism ENPA highly values and endorses media pluralism in Europe.

ENPA reminds MEPs of national subsidiarity principle for media pluralism ENPA highly values and endorses media pluralism in Europe. The European Parliament yesterday took a very wise decision not to call for legislation on media pluralism and concentration in the EU which could in fact decrease, not increase the level of media pluralism. The Parliament rejected the motions for resolution in favour of taking a more in-depth look at the situation of freedom of information in Europe.

EU Institutions pose threat to internet economy of Europe

A united front of media and advertising industry organisations is calling on the EU institutions locked into protracted Trialogue negotiations to see sense and reject harmful wording which would hamper existing and new business models online. Furthermore, not only are the latest proposals disproportionate and ill advised, they also risk undermining the comprehensive and collaborative approach to dealing with the privacy issues envisaged by the institutions.

Economic and regulatory challenges facing the press in Europe

Economic and regulatory challenges facing the press in Europe: publishers’ associations ENPA and FAEP discuss the plight of the press sector with Commissioner Reding Valdo LEHARI Jr., President of ENPA and David J. HANGER, FAEP President, held a meeting on 8 September with Commissioner Viviane Reding who is in charge of Information Society and Media at the European Commission.

Call on European governments to help ensure that Lithuania respects freedom of expression and freedom of the press

Lithuanian Law Outlawing Mockery Draws Protests. The European Newspaper Publishers Association and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers have called on European governments to help ensure that Lithuania respects freedom of expression and freedom of the press following approval of a law that makes it a crime to ridicule someone.

Newspaper publishers call for press freedom and fair competition!

"Respect press freedom. Support us through the crisis. Create a level playing field for all media." These are the key messages newspaper publishers and their representatives from across Europe directed to governments and the European institutions in their Stockholm Resolution, adopted at the ENPA Spring General Assembly in Sweden.
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European press publishers welcome the Decision of the French Competition Authority (Autorite de la Concurence) obliging Google to negotiate with press publishers for the use of press content

Today the French Competition Authority issued a preliminary ruling against Google concerning its behaviour following the introduction of the EU neighbouring right for press publishers in France. In this historical decision, the French Competition Authority instructs Google to commence negotiations “in good faith” with press publishers’ and news agencies through emergency injunctions to be implemented immediately as interim measures.