Press releases

French publisher Jean-Pierre de Kerraoul elected as new ENPA president

ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association, has elected as new President Jean-Pierre de Kerraoul, President of Sogemedia Group, at its General Assembly which took place today.

The General Assembly also appointed as Vice-Presidents Francois Le Hodey, CEO of the IPM Group in Belgium, next to Valdo Lehari Jr., CEO and Publisher of Reutlinger General-Anzeiger Verlag in Germany.

Jean Pierre de Kerraoul said: “It is a great honour for me today to be elected as President of ENPA, which, since its creation in 1961, advocates strongly for  editorial independence, media pluralism and a free and sustainable press. These values must remain at the heart of the European policy agenda, especially at a time where Europe is facing many challenges.”


Press release in PDF (english)



Konteas Ilias

Executive Director