Press releases

European Parliament Plenary adopts further restrictions advertising for energy consuming products

The European Parliament voted in plenary on the report of Mr Tamburrano (EFDD/IT) on the proposal for a regulation setting a framework for energy efficiency labelling and repealing Directive 2010/30/EU. The majority of MEPs unfortunately adopted an amendment obliging suppliers and dealers to “make reference to the energy efficiency class of the product in any visual advertisement or technical promotional material for a specific model of products in accordance with the relevant delegated act”.

ENPA together with a coalition of media and advertising organisations have stressed ahead of the vote that a free, independent, pluralistic and vibrant media in Europe depends on advertising. The extension of information requirements for advertising puts the financing of the press and other media at risk, as it will result in advertisers choosing alternative ways to promote their products - rather than placing ads in the media. An informed purchase decision of the consumer is however possible without harming advertising as an important source of revenue for the press and other media by putting detailed information about the energy consumption features of a product in sales rooms, online shops, technical brochures.

The final text adopted by the EP can be found here.