
Press releases

ENPA, the association representing publishers of newspapers and news media in Europe, expressed serious concerns about the recommendations of an independent group of experts appointed by European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes

The High Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism, chaired by the former President of Latvia, Professor Vaira Vike-Freiberga, called for Brussels to have greater powers to oversee national press councils to ensure they “comply with European values.

Press releases

Newspaper and magazine publishers have repeatedly expressed their concerns about Google's activities in the online search and advertising markets

Newspaper and magazine publishers have repeatedly expressed their concerns about Google's activities in the online search and advertising markets, including its preferential treatment of its own content over that of third parties. It is essential that the commitments, offered this week by Google to the European Commission, bring an end to the manipulation of search results which threaten to turn the open Internet into a closed Google Shop.

Press releases

PRESS STATEMENT- on solutions proposed by EU Media Futures Forum

ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association, noted with interest the solutions proposed today by the EU Media Futures Forum, established by European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes and chaired by ChristianVan Thillo, CEO of de Persgroep (Belgium/Netherlands).

Press releases

Preserving Pluralism in a Rapidly Changing Media Market

Preserving Pluralism in a Rapidly Changing Media Market. The newspaper and news media publishing sector is one of the main sources of cultural diversity and pluralism in Europe. The editorial content of newspapers covers a wide diversity of topics and every political perspective. Newspapers on all platforms encourage and enable their readers to participate actively in democratic debate through blogs, opinion fora and other new tools which increase the level of democratic participation, diversity and pluralism in the European media landscape.