
Press releases

Historical vote for the press and democracy

Europe’s press publishers applaud the historic adoption by the European Parliament of the copyright draft directive. <br /> <br /> A spokesman for the publishers said: “This reform is not just about the modernisation of copyright but about the fundamental function of our democracies. Today the European parliamentarians prove they value the European independent press by voting for a publishers’ right that will help ensure the sustainability of the European press sector”.

Press releases

Statement on Publishers’ Right from journalists and publishers ahead of the 12 September plenary on the EU directive on copyright in the digital single market

Ahead of the copyright vote in Plenary scheduled for 12 September, the EFJ (European Federation of Journalists), the IFJ (International Federation of Journalists), EMMA (European Magazine Media Association), ENPA (European Newspaper Publishers’ Association), EPC (European Publishers Council), NME (News Media Europe) – together representing the interests of tens of thousands of European news brands and journalists – jointly call on MEPs to maintain the wording on the publishers’ right (Article 11) as put forward by the Legal Affairs Committee. 

Press releases


Today in Strasbourg, MEPs voted to obstruct a crucial EU Copyright Reform from progressing to the final legislative stage, succumbing to an intense lobby of manipulative anti-copyright campaigners, US internet giants and vested interests who benefit from stealing and monetising publishers’ valuable content.

Press releases

Europe's publishers applaud MEPs' support for a free press

Today, Europe’s news and magazine publishers EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME applaud the European Parliament for making a crucial stand for the future of a free, independent press, for the future of professional journalism, for the future of fact-checked content, for the future of a rich, diverse and open Internet and, ultimately, for the future of a healthy democracy.